Recognizing the tremendous efforts that product developers who exhibit at the International Window Coverings Expo exert, IWCE introduced the first show awards selected by attendees—an actual “people’s choice” award process. All attendees were given ballots and QR codes to vote for their favorite exhibitors. Ballots were tallied at the end of the show's first day so that awards could be presented the following day. More than 300 ballots were submitted, an impressive number for these inaugural awards. The categories and winners are as follows:
1. Best Booth Experience: Serge Ferrari
2. Most Beautiful Booth Design: Somfy
3. Best New Product: Orion Ornamental Iron, Inc.
4. Best Safety Solution: SecurShade
5. Best Motorization Solution: Insolroll
6. Best Energy-Efficient Solution: Somfy
7. Best Product Demonstration: Jiecang Linear Motion
8. Product I Would Love in My Home: Rollease Acmeda
9. Best-Dressed Booth Staff: Coulisse
10. Best of Show: Mermet
Congratulations to these exhibitors for their outstanding efforts!
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